Sadly this might be one of the last greetings/letters from the Committee; hopefully Pat will continue the valuable contact with everyone through the newsletter.
At a recent Hewett Family Reunion Society (HFRS) committee meeting we discussed the future of the Society and decided that unless younger people are found to replace the present committee we are likely to finalise all projects and close in 2016.
Committee members need not be residents of South Australia, as emails/phone/letters are excellent platforms for exchange of ideas/information and planning of an event. If continuity can be maintained, a new committee could sustain the recording and collation of family history undertaken by Joan Sandford for the last two decades. A smooth transition is highly desirable. Those of you who value the contact with members of this now very extensive family should consider making a contribution for the future of the family records and running of the reunions. Please contact one of the committee members listed if you are interested in joining.
Updates have been compiled since the last book was produced in 2006. They will be ready for distribution in 2015/16. Contributions are always welcome, please send them to Joan.
Faith’s Letters
In the early 1900’s Faith Lockwood nee Hewett, the eldest child of Charles Thomas Hewett wrote a number of very interesting letters to her brother Charles Shallum Hewett. We hope to have these and some other historical letters ready for sale in digital form at a gathering to be arranged in 2015/16.
New Committee Members
2016 get together, traditionally held every 10 years. This committee is unlikely to arrange any more reunions; we need young recruits to carry on the tradition. Venues and people willing to arrange a reunion are urgently sought. Please contact a committee member if you are interested.
There is no reason why a reunion could not be held interstate. For instance Nundle, New South Wales the home of Charles Shallum Hewett and his family, when the letters mentioned above were written, would be an interesting venue.
More information will be sent after we have had time to consider all submissions and suggestions; you are urged to seriously think about what you can do to help. It would be greatly appreciated if you could please consider providing feedback on the following items:
1. Joining the committee
2. Purchasing the updates in 2016
3. Faith’s Letters in digital format, 2016
4. 2016 get together, venue and assistance.
Feedback can be made to any of the committee members. Please take time to consider these issues and send in some feedback.